A Thanksgiving Letter

Dear Emme, This year’s Thanksgiving is probably the most drastically different Thanksgiving I’ve ever had in my life. Not drastically different in a bad way, but drastically different as I’m seeing the Holiday through completely different eyes. Up until this point, I always thought about Thanksgiving in a personal sense. What I was thankful for, …

Chronically Grateful Is Now Released!

So it took me a few months (ok, to be honest, I totally was dragging my feet on it. I’ve been busy!!), but I’ve finally finished and released my eBook “Chronically Grateful”. Back in November, I hosted a #chronicallyGrateful challenge on Instagram (click here to see my blog post about it). This challenge was created to help …

Nov Instagram Challenge

We All Need To Be #ChronicallyGrateful

Being grateful is so important. Whenever you have life changing events, being grateful can be a game changer. You’re given the opportunity to focus on the negatives of your situation OR you can focus on the things to be grateful for and all the positive things in your life. I truly believe that a gratefulness …