Diet It's Just A Bad Day

#ChronicLife Traveling Snack Ideas

Every time I take a trip, I think “I need to create a post on the foods that I take on my trip with me”. Being on a super restrictive diet, and knowing that food really impacts the way I feel, it can be hard to travel because of all the crappy choices.

When we travel, whether it’s in the car stopping at rest stops along the way or on an airplane and are at the mercy of airport food, there are some things we can travel with that will help us make better choices.

There are some really great places that cater with healthy food – like San Francisco’s airport! They have an abundance of organic, health-conscious, dairy free, gluten-free foods that is enough to make a food allergy or autoimmune patient feel like they’ve died and gone to heaven. But, my last trip was along the PA Turnpike and unfortunately most of my choices were along the lines of McDonald’s, Popeyes, Subway, Starbucks and convenient store food.

Paleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Anti-Inflammatory Spoonie / Chronic Life Travel Snack Ideas | juliecerrone.comTraveling on the PA Turn Pike isn’t a new journey for me. I’ve been down this road so many times that I know it’s pointless to even stop and check out if there is any food I can eat. IF I’m REALLY hungry, I could have a salad with some grilled chicken, but the chicken was probably cooked in some disgusting, GMO filled oil that it really doesn’t help me at all. Convenience stores have grab and go bars, nuts and seeds, and things like that that can fit in your diet depending on what you buy. You always have to make sure to read ingredient labels and steer clear from these products if they have added ingredients (like sugar, canola/corn/soybean oil, salt, food additives, etc). That’s why I’ve just resorted to bringing my own food along and occasionally picking up a tea latte (Chai Tea Bag + Coconut Milk + Cinnamon) from Starbucks.

We really should be eating whole foods all day, errrrr day. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and the best quality organic meats that we can buy. Sometimes we have to compromise and take the lesser of evils – especially when we’re traveling. That’s when the benefits of an elimination diet really shine through. Because an elimination diet will help you can figure out what your specific triggers, you know what foods you need to stay away from and which foods you can indulge a little bit in. This is ESPECIALLY important when you’re traveling!

For instance, maybe you know you can have a little bit of sugar, or you can have gluten-free oats, but if you have honey or rice your body will react negatively. It’s important to know these things because when you’re at the mercy of eating what’s available to you when you’re traveling, you want to make the best informed decisions that you can.

You need your strength and energy for your trip and don’t want to waste it because you ate the wrong thing and your body becomes so inflamed as a result!

Planning ahead, as much as you can, is very important and will help you make it to your destination without having to eat something disgusting that you know will impact your health.

Paleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Anti-Inflammatory Spoonie / Chronic Life Travel Snack Ideas |


Here is a list of my go to foods for trips:

Epic Protein Bars. I lovingly refer to these babies as my “meat sticks” haha! Seriously, they’re so freaking good. I usually only eat the turkey and chicken ones (just because red meat bothers my joints), but these are the perfect snack to have in your bag. I’ve found that the cheapest place to buy them is on Thrive Market. I have these sticks stashed away everywhere – in my purse, in my car, in my yoga bag, in my carry on! I probably end up eating too many of them. I like the company and I like their products. Some of the bars do have sugar in them, so just be careful which ones you buy.


Tuna. I always bring canned tuna (like this one or this one) with me. I make sure that it is pole caught and it’s non-genetically modified. Fish can be filled with a ton of toxins, so it’s extremely important to pick the best quality (aka NOT STARKIST TUNA). Tuna is a great source of protein and omega 3s. Check out this video I made for an Ask Juls post about picking a good tuna.


Seaweed. I usually bring some form of seaweed! It’s an easy snack and it’s super yummy to enjoy with my tuna. I’ll pick up the sheets of Nori at my local grocery store (you know, the kind you’d get to made sushi) or I’ll grab some snack packs (like this one or this one!). Make sure to look at the ingredients. I know there are some brands which include coconut sugar in their snack packs, but others that include cane sugar. Just be on the look out!


Vegetables. Lots and lots of veggies! Before you leave for your trip, go in your fridge, chop up whatever vegetables you have in there and take them on your trip. Remember, we should be eating whole foods – mostly vegetables and fruits!


Fruit. Fruit is another easy grab and go! Grab a banana or orange to throw in your bag. Cut up an apple and bring some nut butter along – you’ll get extra protein and the fats will help slow the sugar absorption in your body. Throw some blueberries into a container to munch on. The possibilities are endless 😉
Mamma Chia Squeeze Packets. These little packets are awesome to throw in your bag. You get a dose of something sweet, get a hit of important omega 3’s and get some nutrients in at the same time.


Baby Food. (or products like this) Hear me out on this one before you say, what the hell? If you get those little squeeze packets of organic baby food that’s simply a few ingredients – they’re great on the go! Look for ones that have NO extra additives – it’s basically just like taking your veggies and fruit with you, but a little more convenient! My sister is the one who started doing this – I have to give her credit for this go to snack.


Homemade Trail Mix.  What I like to do is go to Trader Joe’s, buy a bunch of different bags of nuts and make my own trail mix.

Potential mix-ins:

  • I take some NO SUGAR ADDED dried fruit (ingredients are just FRUIT and sometimes naturally sweetened with fruit juices) and throw that in the mix. Like this one or like this one! Or get out your dehydrator and dry your own fruit.
  • Sometimes I’ll throw some EnjoyLife chocolate chips in the bag too.
  • Dried coconut flakes. Side note: Aldi has an AWESOME dried coconut chunks. They literally tastes like candy.
  • I’ll add in some Go Raw products like the coconut crisps (they have different flavors – the chocolate one is AWESOME btw)  their sprouted pumpkin seeds, sprouted watermelon seeds (yup, that’s an actual thing), and/or sprouted sunflower seeds.

I like to put mine in separate little baggies or else I will eat the entire bag. Who am I kidding, I end up eating five little baggies at a time! But, hey I try!!!!


Lara Bars or Pure Organic Bars. Easy to pack, yummy to eat. They only have a few ingredients and as long as you’re eating in moderation they’re a good healthy alternative to candy bars!


Paleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Anti-Inflammatory Spoonie / Chronic Life Travel Snack Ideas | juliecerrone.comOrganic Fruit Snacks. They’re so good because they’re pure sugar, BUT at least they don’t have the additives in them that other fruit snacks have. I’ve noticed that the fruit snacks Starbucks is selling lately has a similar ingredient list to the example I’ve listed here. Again, eat in moderation, but sometimes you just need something sugary, sweet. WE’RE HUMAN!


Chocolate. I go back-and-forth between Lilly’s chocolate and EnjoyLife chocolate. (Recently on a trip to NYC I came across this chocolate bar too!) The reason I go back and forth between the two is because sometimes you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils. Lily’s is sweetened with stevia, but has organic soy in it. Enjoylife doesn’t have soy, but it has cane sugar. For people who have to absolutely stay away from soy, go with Enjoylife. It’s free from the top 8 allergens.


Sweet Potato and Zucchini Chips. This one takes a little of planning on your part because you have to make them a few days prior to your trip. I just slice up some sweet potatoes and zucchini, toss in EVOO + pink Himalayan sea salt + pepper + garlic and then throw in my dehydrator. They’re delicious, they’re crunchy, they’re satisfying and they are a hell of a lot better for you than any of the chips than you would buy on the go. You could really dehydrate anything to take with you on your trip. I’d just caution against taking dehydrated kale chips through airport security – they may question you on what it is (learned from experience)! 😉 haha!!!


Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks. (my favorites are the Grape + Acai and Ginger Spice) I never thought I would be drinking something that had apple cider vinegar in it, but these drinks are SO delicious! Their a great source or energy, they help balance out your pH and can help settle your stomach on the road. They’re naturally sweetened with stevia, so they’re sweet without the refined sugar. They’re not something I’d drink all day, everyday, but in moderation they’re yummy!


Chai Tea. I love chai tea! It’s something warm to drink and, as an added bonus, all of the spices in chai tea are really great for digestion. I always bring chai teabags wherever I go. It’s nice to have them in my purse when I’m somewhere where coffee is the only option.


Protein Powder, Chia Seeds + Cinnamon. I like to take a shaker bottle with these 3 with me while I’m on the go. In the mornings while I travel, I like to brew a cup of chai tea, mix it with protein power, chia seeds and cinnamon. Helps fill me up, something warm to drink and is super easy! Chia seeds and cinnamon are super anti-inflammatory so they’re great to add into your routine. (Note: I only go for vegan protein powders – whey protein powder is SO SO SO SOOOOOO BAD FOR YOU. It’s pure inflammation in your system. Seriously, steer clear of it.)

There are a ton of different options you can take with you, but here are a few examples of what I always throw in my bag! What do you like to take with you? Comment below for others to hear your suggestions 🙂

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life





Want some more Travel Tips? 

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Chronic Illness Travel Concerns




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Elimination Diet 101 Self-Paced eCourse

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