Ask Juls: Part 3 Toxins – Managing My Psoriatic Arthritis

In part 1, I talked about diet.

In part 2, I talked about supplements.

Now, let’s talk about toxins!

I’ve written several posts on my blog about toxins and what products I use. Here are 3 examples and make sure to check out my Spoonie Products page too to see the products I suggest using!

Detoxing What You Put IN Your Body

Detoxing What You Put ON Your Body

Detoxing Your Medicine Cabinet

Managing Psoriatic Arthritis - Reducing Toxic Load |
Managing Psoriatic Arthritis – Reducing Toxic Load |

It really is important to remember every toxin that we encounter affects our body and our immune system. Most times we don’t even realize this is occurring!

Toxins in the air, toxins in the water, toxins in our beauty products, toxins in our medications, toxins in our food . . . some we can control and others we really don’t have control over.

Managing Psoriatic Arthritis - Reducing Toxic Load | Julie Cerrone, Certified Holistic Health Coach + Autoimmune Warrior We NEED to step up and control the things we CAN control.

You don’t need to throw everything out right away.

That would be WAY too overwhelming and would cost you a fortune! My top tip? Whenever you run out of your items, replace them with a more natural product instead of rebuying the same thing. So, next time your window cleaner is empty, replace it with an all-natural cleaner. Whenever your blush runs out, replace it with an organic mineral blush. Once you kick your hair gel, switch over to a paraben/sulfate/alcohol free gel.

Taking small steps to eliminate the toxic load in your body will help so so sooooooo much.

It will help reduce inflammation, it will help decrease the toxic load on your liver and overall will help your body to thrive.

Here are some resources to help you figure out what ingredients you should be steering clear of:

Environmental Working Group Beauty Products

Environmental Working Group Cosmetics 

EWG’s Cleaning Products

EWG’s Pesticides 

EWG’s Top 12 Hormone Disruptors 

EWG’s Water Filter Buying Guide

And I’ll leave you with a great Mind Body Green post that talks about using nontoxic household products in your beauty routine!

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life



5 Parts to Managing My Psoriatic Arthritis | Ask Juls "Did an elimination diet help you manage your psoriatic arthritis?" | Julie Cerrone Holistic Health Coach & Autoimmune Warrior

Catch up on this “Managing My Psoriatic Arthritis” Ask Juls series:

This series was created after having been asked the question “Did an elimination diet help you manage my psoriatic arthritis?”.

Short answer – YES

Long answer – YES, but I’ve also done a lot of other things as well to help manage my condition. I focus on the following 5 areas to help manage my psoriatic arthritis.

Part 1: Elimination Diet

Part 2: Supplements

Part 3: Toxins

Part 4: Meditation & Mindfulness

Part 5: Yoga & Movement