A Thanksgiving Letter

Dear Emme,

This year’s Thanksgiving is probably the most drastically different Thanksgiving I’ve ever had in my life. Not drastically different in a bad way, but drastically different as I’m seeing the Holiday through completely different eyes.

Up until this point, I always thought about Thanksgiving in a personal sense. What I was thankful for, what food I would eat (or not eat!), what I would do to celebrate with our family, what Christmas movies I would watch.

But this year. . .  this year I’ve been thinking more about you.

I’ve been pointing out all of the Holiday decorations to you.

I’ve been showing you the mad rush at the grocery store to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner.

I’ve been playing Holiday music 24/7 hoping that you’ll be my little singing buddy once you learn all the words.

And I’ve been telling you how loved you are and how much there is to be grateful for.

As I reflect on my past Thanksgiving posts (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, & 2017), I’ve talked about all of the wonderful and amazing things in my life there are to be grateful for. My health, my supports, my success and failures, our family, your daddy, you. . . there’s SO much!

Of course, I’m grateful and SO EXTREMELY THANKFUL for all of those things, but this year I’ve been very focused on you. I’m determined to help you to be the most grateful person you know.

I want you to realize that we must be grateful ALL year-long – not just at the Holidays.

We need to take actions and go out of our way for others during every day of our lives.

When we’re able to look at life with grateful eyes, life becomes a more joyful experience.

I can promise you that you will have ups and downs in your life. Not everything will go your way. And there will be days that upset you and make you feel like your life stinks.

BUT, if you constantly focus (and then refocus when your focus shifts) on the positives in your life, you can create a life you love.

So this Thanksgiving, I want to promise to always lead by example. To help you when you fall and to remind you to always look for the positives in everything you do.

We can achieve more than we ever thought possible if we make EVERY DAY Thanksgiving.

And that, my sweet girl, is exactly what I want for you.

I’m so thankful to spend this holiday with you AND your Daddy.

Happy First Thanksgiving.

I love you so so sooooo much.


Your Mommy

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