



The Rheumatoid Patient Foundation is a non-profit organization which strives to spread awareness, support, advocacy and to find a cure for Rheumatoid Disease. Last year they started the first ever rheumatoid disease day to help build awareness. Today is the 2nd anniversary and you can show your support by learning more about the disease.


I do not have rheumatoid arthritis, but I do have psoriatic arthritis. It pretty much is the exact disease, but instead of having symmetrical inflammation in joints, my disease affects different joints at different times. My main joint that it attacks is my left knee. I’ve also had problems with my right knee, my right wrist and my SI joint.

Fatigue is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR issue for me. It’s hard because most people think ‘oh get out of the house, it will be good for you.’ When, in fact, pushing myself and using up the energy that I DO have makes me pay for it for the following three days. It’s quite frustrating when you were such a go-go-go person to being with and you have to become accustomed to a life that is at a much slower pace. It affects your whole life and every single relationship that you have.


Because I’ve been diagnosed with this disease I’ve decided that I will use my experiences for good. I’m an ePatient advocate and help to spread awareness of the disease. By sharing my journey through my blog, tweets, facebook posts, etc. I hope to help at least one person. I have some really exciting developments coming up that have to do with my ePatient advocacy and I cannot wait to share them with all of you 🙂

For now, take some time and visit the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. You may just learn something that you never knew! Or visit their store and purchase some items that will help raise money to find a cure!!


Also, a friend of mine is trying to sell these awesome spoonie shirts. Help her cause out and buy one today! I’ve got mine… do you??

Wishing You A Pain Free Day & Spread The Awareness!


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