The Future Of My Doterra Posts

I hate to be a negative nancy, and if you know me you’ll know I’m not that way at all …. BUT I can’t help but feel completely frustrated on the subject of Doterra. For those of you who don’t know, Doterra (and other big essential oil companies) have been under fire from the FDA.

I get that the FDA is trying to keep Americans safe.HEY FDA! Let's worry more about things like genetically modified foods rather than things like essential oils!


I get that the FDA is trying to “do their job”.

But, FDA, I can think of about 1787942379846923823 other things you SHOULD be doing or SHOULD be regulating.


Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been approached by Doterra AND the FDA NUMEROUS times because of things I’ve written and posted on my blog. You probably haven’t noticed, but I’ve had to change the language of my posts 2 or 3 times 809234809234 times. I just decided this last time to omitt everything that was there and put <Redacted per Doterra>. So you can see how ridiculous it is and how much they made me cut out of my post. 

I’m NOT allowed to tell you <Redacted per Doterra>

I’m NOT allowed to tell you <Redacted per Doterra>

I’m NOT allowed to tell you <Redacted per Doterra>

… even if they’re my own testimonials (Doterra made me delete them)

HEY FDA! Let's worry more about things like genetically modified foods rather than things like essential oils!

I know that this is a whole new beast of a problem because never before has there been such a huge social media presence of health claims that they’ve had to deal with. Because I’ve been under such scrutiny and because I’m pretty much sick and tired of being told what I’m allowed and NOT allowed to say, I’m going to be taking a break from spreading the awesome news of essential oils for while. If you’d like to know more, you can personally reach out to me.

I hate to be negative, but I can’t help but share my frustrations. After all, my blog is all about sharing the good and the bad of life! There’s no one out there who only has good things going on in their lives! 😉

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life

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