Diet Wellness Wednesday

“Are we allergic to food or what’s been done to it?”

Is our food making us sick? Are genetically modified foods the reason for so many different food allergies & chronic conditions? | Certified Spoonie Holistic Health CoachAs a health coach aka super health nerd, who is constantly watching videos and reading health and nutrition articles, I feel like it’s my duty to make you aware of really good videos that you should watch.

This Tedx talk is one that I think everyone should watch. Parents of children with food allergies, people with food allergies, autoimmunity, “seasonal” allergies, chronic conditions, anyone who’s ever been sick (cold, flu, ear infection) … really, everyone in the entire world (ESPECIALLY the USA) should watch this video.

Robyn publicly asks “Are we allergic to food or what’s been done to it?”. And guess what, she’s eliciting responses from major food companies.

I don’t care if you don’t have food allergies. Because, even if you’ve been tested for food allergies, I’d be willing to bet that the food you’re eating is affecting your health. 100% hands down. NO EXCEPTIONS.

So take the time to watch this and leave your comments of what you think below!

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!
