AVN It's Just A Bad Day Mind Body Connection Miracle Monday PsA

I’ll Admit, I Lost It At Christmas Eve Mass. . .

I’m a pretty strong person. If I know you well, and am comfortable with you, I’ll let my guard down and tell you my entire life story. Otherwise, I put on a strong exterior and act like nothing affects me. But, I’m human, and everything affects me. No matter how hard I try to keep it ALL together, eventually it comes crashing down and I’m hit by a wave of emotions.

I know I preach a lot about FEELING and EXPERIENCING your emotions. And it’s true, in order to truly heal and be able to move forward in life, we have to experience all of our emotions. If we hold them in, or don’t fully experience them, they’ll come out in one way or another to allow us to feel them.

That’s what happened to me on Christmas Eve.

I sing in my Church’s choir…. but to be honest, I’m really not the best choir member. I’m the one who MAYBE shows up once a month. I really love singing around Christmas and I love to sing around Easter. I always try to make the masses leading up to the two events. Christmas songs are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE songs to sing. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Every Christmas season I miss going around to different places to sing Christmas carols. When I was young, I always sang with my school choirs and in high school we would go to different places (like nursing homes and around downtown Pittsburgh) to sing Christmas Carols.

One of my FAVORITE things was singing with my friends at Christmas Eve mass at Church. We’ve since stopped doing it, but when I joined my Church choir again after going out on disability, I was disappointed to learn that the choir sang midnight mass. Because of my psoriatic arthritis, all the pain and fatigue I was in from that and AVN, I was never able to actually MAKE it to midnight mass. This past Easter I thought I potentially might make the midnight mass for Easter Vigil, but I crashed way before the mass even began.

This Christmas, I was so excited to be off of crutches that I never really took the time to acknowledge how my psoriatic arthritis is pretty well-managed. As the Christmas season rolled around, I told my choir director that I wasn’t going to make it to Midnight Mass and I truly believed I wouldn’t be there. But, Christmas Eve came around and my family and I decided that we were going to go to Midnight Mass.

I woke up not feeling super great that day. The culprit? A gluten-free, dairy free, soy free pumpkin cookie from a local bakery. But, I started pulling out my tools that I know help me feel better and was determined to see if I could make it. The rest of the day turned out wonderful. My Mom and I spent all afternoon cooking in the kitchen, my Grandma came over for dinner which turned into a family Christmas Carol sing a long, we had a gingerbread house contest and then we headed to church.

I was so happy to be there singing Christmas Eve mass. It had been a few years since I had been able to do it. We sang for a while prior to mass and once mass started I was into the groove of singing that I wasn’t really paying attention to anything else that was going on. After the homily, we started singing Silent Night for the preparation of the gifts. As we were in the middle of singing the first verse, I looked up to see the family bringing the gifts down the aisle. There was a woman and a man carrying the wine and bread and a woman on crutches walking down in front of them. I couldn’t even tell you how old they were or anything about them at all, because as soon as I saw the girl hobbling down on crutches I LOST IT. I mean, tears streaming down my face, had to bite my lip and stop singing – lost it. She had the half crutches that I just knew she’d need for a long period of time – or even forever.

Here I was, STANDING with my choir, sans crutches, feeling pretty damn good, singing at MIDNIGHT MASS. HOLY CRAP. About a million + 90124908123 emotions flooded my brain at that moment. I tried to pick back up with the second verse, but that didn’t work too well. Between the blurred vision from the tears and the fact that if I opened my mouth I wasn’t exactly sure what was going to come out, I decided to just stand there and take a few deep breaths.

I pulled it together by the end of the song and was ok for the rest of mass, until I got back into my car and teared up.


I had been focused on one aspect of my story – my knee, my Regenexx procedure, my “Christmas miracle” – that I had neglected to acknowledge how I was feeling about the rest of my story as well. All my hard work changing my diet and getting my fatigue, pain, inflammation, etc under control. Singing Midnight Mass this year, along with being able to WALK, were BOTH my Christmas MIRACLES.

I’ve been so happy about my positive progress, but along with all that happiness, there were many other emotions that I’d been trying to block out.

I’m scared.

I’m scared to be completely normal again. Sure, it may sound irrational, because every chronically fabulous patient is striving to just be ‘normal’ again, but when you’ve been out of the game so long, it can be down right terrifying!

I’m nervous.

I’m nervous to have to go back out into the working world, full-time. Sure, I’m literally the busiest person on disability. I blog, I coach clients, I teach classes, I attend conferences, I volunteer, I help my Dad, I help other people – if I’m feeling well, I try to keep busy! But, I set my own schedule, I go at my own pace, I make my own rules. Now that I’m coming up to the end of my long-term disability, I’m nervous to push my body to its limits again.

I’m excited.

I’m excited to see where my life ends up. There are SO many unknowns right now. Where will I work, where will I live, who will I end up with, what will my life turn out to be? 5 years ago I was walking down an entirely different path and over the past 3.5 years, I’ve been tirelessly working to try to accept not being able to see the end. I used to always want to see the finish line. If I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’d start spiraling down a path of anxieties and my control freak flag would begin to wave. It’s something we must work on everyday to accept and this point of my life is REALLY testing the work I’ve put in.

I’m freaking out.

Because I don’t have everything planned out and don’t know where my life is headed . . . Like I just said above, we must continuously work on choosing happiness, choosing positivity and optimism and choose to be happy with the present. (Check out this past post here) Just because I’ve put so much work into accepting the present doesn’t mean I still don’t have freak outs. It’s in that moment that I have to draw on the tools I’ve been working on for the past few years. I’m learning, I’m evolving and I’m choosing happiness in the present – but it’s still work!

Emotions have a funny way of catching up to us. 

Whether it’s a long cry, an ugly fight, a headache, a stomach ache, or in worst cases a new diagnosis, they always come out one way or another.

So, my advice to you is to explore your thoughts, emotions and feelings.

Each day during a meditation session or perhaps each night before you go to bed – think about all you’re grateful for, think about how you’re feeling and what you’re experiencing, really get to know YOU.

In the end, you’ll be able to manage your emotions so much easier and you won’t get as many surprise cry seshs in the middle of church!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life


It's Just A Bad Day Mind Body Connection Miracle Monday

#Spoonie, Be More Like Rudolph!

I saw this Rudolph meme the other day and it got me thinking . . .

Be more like Rudolph A spoonie Christmas -


Rudolph was one bad ass mo’fo.

Rudolph The Red Nose ReindeerText
When Rudolph is on TV, the whole family is alerted, stops what they’re doing & watches 🙂

Seriously. I’ve always loved the movie and watch it every year with my family. Over the years, my Dad and I have taken the time to break down the characters and different scenes in the movie. For instance, talking about how his Dad is pretty much a jerk because he criticizes his son for being different, how at one point Santa’s gloves are REALLY dirty, how at one point Yukon Cornelius couldn’t have moved in the way that he did because he would have had to fly over a huge gap and how Santa goes from being pretty skinny to fat in the matter of 20 seconds.

During the movie, Rudolph puts up with a lot!! Sure, he has his moments where he breaks down and runs away – but he ends up coming back. At the end of the day, was humble enough to save Christmas and not throw it back in everybody’s face.

I think that the spoonie community (aka all the chronically fabulous patients out there) can take a lesson from good old Rudy. Sure, we’re different, we each have our own afflictions to deal with. Some are outwardly shown, others may not be. But the point is, chronic conditions make us a little bit different from the rest. We have to pace ourselves, we’re not able to do everything we’d like to do, we’re on tons of different medications, we frequent doctors offices and hospitals like it’s our job . . . a lot of times we don’t get to play in the reindeer games either!!!

We have ups and downs, we meet caring people who think we’re cute, we meet people who ridicule us for being different and there are many times we want to run away from it all!

BUT, it’s important to remember, that just because we’re different, doesn’t mean we can’t still play an important role! Everybody laughed at Rudolph, called him names and basically never gave him a chance. But, who was the one to save Christmas?
rudolphWas it Fireball, Rudolph’s friend who was just like all the other reindeer?

Was it Comet, Rudolph’s jerk coach who excluded him because he’s different?

NOPE. IT WAS RUDOLPH! The very thing that everyone criticized him for was what saved Christmas.

Ok, so I’m not saying your RA, Lupus, Fibro or Lyme is going to save Christmas (or maybe it will?! That’d be an awesome Hallmark or Lifetime movie), but we have to take a play from Rudolph and realize that just because we have an affliction doesn’t mean we’re out of the game. I know I’ve said it many times before, but we truly need to look for the blessings within our storms.

Every battle that we encounter in our life can either break us or we can use it to elevate us. Rudolph, at first, was ashamed by his nose. He didn’t want to burden anyone and ended up running away. BUT, once he meets others who are like him and have afflictions as well, he starts to realize that just because he’s different doesn’t make him any less special.

Many of us have found each other online through different hashtags (like #spoonie or #chroniclife) and we’ve come together to realize that each of us, although very different, are struggling just the same. No one in life has it easy. No one in life is free from pain or sorrow. No one in life is better than the rest. By realizing that our differences make us special, we can start to tap into our full potential. Use your difference to help make a positive impact. Maybe it’s by sharing your health journey to help inspire others or to even just connect with others to allow them to realize they’re not alone. There are so many different ways we can use our ‘red nose’ to help make a difference. We might not end up saving Christmas for millions of little girls and boys, but we can help make a positive impact in some way.

So at the end of the day, there will be jerks in life (just like in Rudolph – FYI I found this post pretty funny and I love how it ends with “Enjoy watching this holiday classic this year, and take a lesson from it.  Don’t be a jerk this Christmas, because someone will always outshine you!”) who will criticize the things that make you different. But remember, those differences are what make you YOU and you AMAZING. So embrace your differences, allow yourself to shine and have a positive effect on this world.

And because Rudolph is awesome, I leave you with this cute little reindeer dance break.

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life

Diet It's Just A Bad Day Paleo Treatments

Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition

Last year I published a post about my Thanksgiving menu (check it out here!) and a lot of people said it was super helpful. I’ve been asked a ton of times already what foods I’ll eat during the holidays and to point them to yummy recipes. Well, here ya go folks! Here are some tips to make it through the holidays and lots of recipes down below. And FYI, last I counted I was above 101 recipes, so enjoy the extra treats 😉



#ChronicLife Tips for the Holidays:

1. Get familiar with Food Substitutes
  • Use EVOO or Ghee instead of butter.
  • Make coconut sweetened condensed milk (recipe below) or make a dairy free cheese (recipes below too!)
  • Try a can of coconut milk instead of cream or milk.
  • Make your pies with an almond flour crust, instead of a gluten laden one!
  • Use brown rice flour, almond flour, coconut flour, tapioca starch, etc for your baking.
  • Need bread crumbs? Use a mix of almond flour, tapioca starch and/or coconut flour
2. Take a dish with you that you know you will be able to eat.

Try one of the 101 recipes below!!!

3. Do things on your own terms.

There’s no right or wrong way to do the Holidays! Whatever makes you feel happy, comfortable and in control – that’s what you need to do. Pace yourself, avoid triggers that you know will make you sick and DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR IT!!!!

4. Be kind and patient with yourself.

You’re doing the best you can, under the current conditions. If you could do better, you would! So be patient and love yourself above all!

Yummy, Yummy Recipe Roundup:

There are a ton of awesome recipe round ups online (just like this one from the Paleo Diet Recipe Cookbook) Check out these recipes and plan your holiday menu!

Condiments or Ingredients:


Paleo Ranch – Use on salads and as a veggie dip!

Balsamic Vinaigrette 

Italian Dressing – use as a dressing and to marinate meat and veggies!

Sweet Onion Poppyseed Dressing

Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette



World’s Best Paleo Gravy

Gluten Free Gravy

Paleo Umami Gravy Recipe

White Wine & Thyme Cashew Gravy



Sweetened Condensed Coconut Milk – use in place of canned sweetened condensed milk

Egg Free Garlic Mayo

Dairy Free Cultured Cream Cheese

Zucchini Cheese



Night Shade Free Salsa

AIP Mango Guacamole 

Garden Salsa

Spicy Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Dairy Free Spinach & Artichoke Dip

Cranberry Salsa

Pumpkin Pie Dip

Paleo Buffalo Ranch Dip

Easy Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche

Paleo Taco Dip

Seven Layer Mexican Dip



Cranberry Turkey Meatballs

Grilled Eggplant Bruschetta

Paleo Fried Zucchini with Cool Dill Dip

Garlic Herb Roasted Shrimp w/ Homemade Cocktail Sauce

Buffalo Cauliflower Wings – use ghee or coconut oil instead of butter

Pumpkin Spice Sweet Potato Fries

Avocado Stuffed Meatballs

Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings

Chick-fil-A Nuggets

Paleo Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms

Zesty Marinated Olives

Grain-free Rosemary Olive Oil Crackers

Roasted Cauliflower Poppers

Sweet Pepper Poppers

Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition Spoonie/ChronicLife Tips & 101 Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Thanksgiving & Christmas | itsjustabadday.comSide Dishes:


Beet and Brussels Sprout Salad

Autumn Salad w/ Apples, Pomegranates, Persimmons, Candied Hazelnuts & and Orange Vinaigrette

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberry Brown Butter Sauce – use ghee in place of the butter!

Butternut Squash Apple Soup

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

Rosemary Roasted Carrots

Paleo Green Bean Casserole Recipe

Paleo Brussel Sprouts Recipe

Roasted Carrots & Mushrooms with Thyme


Mashed Potato Subs

Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Mash

Paleo Sweet Potato Gratin

Paleo Mashed Cauliflower Recipe

Honey Glazed “Sweet Potatoes” with Homemade Marshmallows



Apple Cranberry Holiday Stuffing

Paleo Low-Carb Stuffing Recipe

Chestnut and Rosemary Stuffing Recipe


Cranberry Sauce

Citrus Cranberry Relish

Cran-Cherry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce with Apples and Ginger


Bread Substitutes

Paleo Biscuits

Paleo Biscuits Recipe

Paleo Dinner Rolls

Grain Free Dinner Rolls

Paleo Pumpkin Biscuits – she also has some other Thanksgiving recipes on this post as well!

Main Dishes:

Paleo Turkey & Stuffing

Paleo Butterfield Big Bird Recipe

Honey and Citrus Glazed Ham

Perfect Smoked Turkey Recipe

Mushroom & Sage Rolled Turkey Breast Recipe

Heritage Turkey & Mashed Parsnips



Pumpkin Roll

Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars

Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

Pumpkin Pie or try The Best Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Raw, No Bake Triple-Chocolate Pumpkin Pie


Other Pies

Sweet Potato Casserole with Crunchy Pecan Crumble Recipe

Paleo Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Paleo Pecan Pie Recipe

Apple Pie or try this Apple Pie

Paleo Chocolate Pecan Pie

Jungle Pie with Chocolate Crust, Banana Slices & Chunky Coconut Topping Recipe

Apple Crisp

Blueberry Tart

Raw Chocolate Tarts


Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition Spoonie/ChronicLife Tips & 101 Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Thanksgiving & Christmas | itsjustabadday.comCookies

Chewy Thin Ginger Cookies

Paleo Pumpkin Cookies with Chocolate Chips Recipe

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

Super Paleo Cookies

The Best Almond Flour Sugar Cookies

Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Chocolate Chunk Salted Caramel No-Bake Cookies Recipe

Paleo Almond Pumpkin Choc Chip Cookies  Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cookies 

Double Chocolate Chip Coconut Flour Cookies 

Chai Spice Cookies

Paleo Coconut Macaroons 

Almond Cookies  Recipe Topped With Chocolate Avocado Fudge Frosting

Paleo Almond Butter and Chocolate Glaze Muffookies Recipe

Gluten Free Macaroons  Recipe with Raspberry Chia Seed Jam

Hazelnut-Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Recipe

Peanut-Free Tagalong Cookies Recipe

Guilt-Free Pecan Pie Cookies Recipe

Jam Filled Shortbread Cookies Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Vanilla Cinnamon Icing Recipe

Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Meringue Cookies Recipe

Gluten Free Paleo Oreo Cookies Recipe

Grain-Free Gingerbread Men Recipe



Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Chewy Pecan Pie Brittle

Pumpkin Fudge

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream Recipe

Cranberry Mint Mousse

Raw Vegan Nutella – spread on any and everything!

Healthy Spiced Nuts

Paleo Pumpkin Sweet Potato Custard

Paleo Dirt Pudding


Pumpkin Mulled Wine – important note: use coconut sugar, honey or maple syrup when making this!

Aloe Vera Margaritas 

Iced Caramel Macchiato 

Paleo Vanilla Low Carb Marshmallow Smoothie 

Vanilla Bean Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Apple Cider Sangria

Peppermint Mocha

Chai Tea Concentrate

Cranberry Orange Margarita

Paleo Egg Nog

PS. if you can’t make your holiday menu from this list, there’s no hope for you 😉 haha!!

Food can be delicious AND nutritious. Using the right ingredients will not only make your body feel 10000 times better after eating, but will also help give you the fuel you need to make it through the holiday season.

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life




Mental Health Mind Body Connection

Tis The Season: 13 Ways To Enjoy The Holidays Without Getting Stressed Out!












This post originally appeared as a guest post on Painfully Optimistic!

Ross, from Painfully Optimistic, asked me to write a guest post for his blog. He’s a wonderful CRPS advocate who is living a great life, despite chronic pain.

Make sure to check out his site and follow him on twitter! He’s a great guy who is an amazing support to have!

Hope you all had a great Christmas!!!

When you think of the holidays are you more like Buddy the Elf or Grumpy Cat? Some of us can’t wait for January 1st, whereas others dread January 1st as the season will be over! Which ever you are, getting a handle on your stress with help with flare ups and allow you to enjoy more of the holiday activities!

What can cause stress?


Traditions, high or unrealistic expectations, money, family, disappointing family and friends, traveling, family photos, shopping, not getting enough sleep, drinking and eating too much, forgoing normal patterns, decorating, holiday parties, seeing old friends, perfectionism . . . and I could go on and on!

And you’re probably thinking

“It’s just a little stress . . . right? It doesn’t matter. Once the holidays are over I’ll go back to being healthy and less stressed and things will be fine.”You


Your body doesn’t care if it’s a big stress or a little one; if it’s temporary or chronic. It still reacts the same way! Regardless of the stressor, stress can affect our body in many predictable ways. Did you know that there are approximately 1,400 different biochemical events that are fired off when we encounter stress? And we wonder why we get headaches, gain weight, experience aches and pains, why our energy is depleted and why we eat and drink more!

An even scarier fact is that because of our society today, we’ve become mentally numb to many stressors in our lives! We may not even realize how stressed our body really is because we’re so used to life’s pressures and expectations. That is, until we experience a flare up.

But there is a positive fact in all of this!

We have the power to control how we respond to stress! We don’t need to be the victims of our own emotions, thoughts and attitudes. We can control how we respond to stress and we can become more sensitive to stressful situations. There are proven, scientific ways to help rewire our brains! So instead of grabbing that bottle of eggnog, try one of these ideas instead!

Exercise your mind, body and soul!


  • Meditation:

When you’re running around, stressed beyond belief- STOP and focus on your breath for a few moments. This can help you take a short time out. You could also pick a mantra and whenever you’re feeling frustrated start repeating it. To get you started into meditation, I always recommend the Headspace app or the Buddify app. Both phone applications break meditation down into a way that is SO doable for the average person! Try it out and see for yourself.

  • Mindfulness:

So often during the holidays we run run run and aren’t really present. Try to be present in everything you do. Whether it’s eating a cookie, shopping for a present, or driving – really focus your attention on what you’re doing NOT on what you still have to do. An easy exercise to help you get into the moment can be achieved by setting alarms on your phone. Set maybe 2 or 3 of them to go off at random times. When they go off, make a conscious effort to be present in your current activity. The simple act of using your alarm can start to help train yourself to tune in to your life and to become more present.

  • Squash Negativity and Amp Up The Positivity:

Don’t let words like ‘never’, ‘worst’ or ‘ever’ into your vocab! X them out forever! If you’re beginning to feel down about a certain situation, see if you can flip your perspective on it! Maybe you do have 58 more things to do on your To Do list, but hey! You already finished 87 of those things – so you gooooo!!! Recognize your wins and celebrate ALL your victories!I also like to write inspiring quotes on post it notes and stick them all throughout my house. They can make me smile and if I’m in a bad mood or upset, they usually can help me start to flip my perspective.

  • Allow yourself to experience your emotions:

The key to squashing negativity is to allow yourself to feel your emotions. It’s ok if you’re feeling sad, mad, scared, tired, upset, frustrated, overwhelmed – feel the heck out of those emotions! You’re obviously feeling them for a reason. If you take the time to feel them and tune into yourself, you can start to unravel the meaning behind each of those emotions. Once you identify your issue, you can begin to become your own biggest cheerleader! What I do is I agree upon a set period I’m allowed to feel sad or frustrated. During that time I cry, scream, yell, be by myself- whatever I need to do to get it out and completely allow myself to fall apart. Once that period is over, I pick up the pieces off the floor and do my best to move on. I focus on things I love and bring a smile to my face.

  • Set Realistic Expectations:

You know it will happen… Aunt Susan will say something negative about your potato casserole. She ALWAYS does! So, you should expect it. Instead of getting upset at Aunt Susan this year and taking it out on Grandma, decide to change the subject and thank Margie for bringing the Ham. Also lumped into setting realistic expectations is realizing that you CANNOT and DO NOT have to do everything yourself. Get your family to help, be clear on how others can help you! Don’t take the whole season on yourself.

  • Don’t Dwell on ‘What If’:

You’ll never know what would have happened if you got to the store 5 minutes earlier or if you would have bought 4 packets of chicken instead of 3. It’s a game you’ll never win – so why play it? Along with the words ‘never’, ‘worst’ and ‘ever’, X this out of your brain!!!!

  • Practice Gratitude:

I could talk for 15 hours on why practicing gratitude is one of the greatest things you could do for yourself. Being thankful for what you DO have really can put a situation in perspective. Each night before bed, I write in my journal what I’m thankful for. It could have been my ability to get out of bed that morning or maybe it was for the ability to stay in bed all day and rest. No matter how many negatives you encounter in a day, there are ALWAYS positives that you can be thankful for!

You can also practice giving gratitude to others while you’re out and about this holiday season. For instance, be thankful for the person leaving the mall and letting you take their parking space, send love and thanks to those volunteering their time to help the less fortunate, and try to do small random acts of kindness. I bet you’ll even end up leaving the holiday season feeling so much better after beginning a gratitude practice!

  • 05db99e0e861c3bed2245d26ed4c52e7Keep up with your regular exercise program (as best you can)

If you already have a regular yoga, running, cycling, crossfit or weight training program – try to keep up with it. Your body is already in a routine and when you disrupt your rhythm you can end up causing a lot of issues – one major one being a flare! So say YES to that yoga session, even if it ends up being 10-15 minutes long. Every little bit helps!


  • Eat a Balanced Diet

Make sure you’re receiving your proper nutrients this holiday season. And don’t forget to drink your water! I’m not saying don’t enjoy yourself; I’m always of the opinion that we should live by the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time we should eat clean and 20% of the time enjoy ourselves! But if you know that gluten is an inflammation trigger for you or that eating dairy makes your nerves go crazy, try to be cognizant of what you’re eating and pick and choose what’s best for your body.


  • Maintain A Regular Sleep Schedule

Disruptive sleep schedules can wreck havoc on our body’s immune system. And if our immune systems are already compromised then we’re really in trouble! The ironic thing about sleep is that even though we need it so much, often pain and fatigue keep us UP! How can we battle back? The two meditation apps I spoke about earlier have sleep meditations that help relax your body and get your ready for bed. There are different yoga sequences that can help you get into the mood – like legs up the wall, child’s pose, and forward bend. Meditation and yoga sequences are the 2 major players I use to combat the pain that’s keeping me up! Whenever I’m having a really high pain day, I concentrate on breathing into the area of my body that is ailing me. To do this, I’ll take a deep breath in and visualize my breath traveling to my knee (that’s what bothers me the most). Then when I exhale, I visualize my breath diffusing my pain way. As I keep breathing in and out, eventually I ‘diffuse’ the pain enough to where I fall asleep or I get so relaxed and caught up in watching my breath that the relaxation puts me to sleep!


  • Music

Everything in our environment plays a part in our stress levels – even background noise! Do you have a favorite song or artist? If you’re in a bad mood, put it on! I always say there are 2 sure fire ways to get me in a good mood- Celine Dion or Christmas music! I found an infograph that’s actually kind of funny. They took a poll on which Christmas songs people thought were the most relaxing and the most stressful. Take a look at it and remember to steer clear of the ‘stressful’ ones!


  • Aromatherapy

The last 2 years I’ve really been into using essential oils to combat my health and mood. There are so many scents that can help uplift our mood! Make sure you get PURE essential oils, NOT fragrance. Fake scents like ‘fragrance’ can actually cause headaches, immune responses and a whole host of problems. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of these. (If you look on the back of perfumes, candles, lotions, shampoos, body wash, etc you’ll see ‘natural fragrance’ or ‘fragrance’ listed quite often. No matter how ‘natural’ they claim they are, if they list fragrance as an ingredient – don’t buy it! It’s not worth the health issues.) And if you don’t have any essential oils try this: put a pot of water on the stove, slice up some oranges, lemons, throw in a few cinnamon sticks, a splash of vanilla extract and whatever else you may have. Let simmer on the stove and your house will smell delicious (and will uplift the spirits of your family!)

Examples of mood elevating oils:

Lemon – uplifting, anti-depressant

Orange – mood-elevating

Peppermint – refreshing, mental stimulant

Rosemary – invigorating

Thyme – refreshing, purifying, herbal

  • Spirituality

And lastly, don’t forget the reason for the season! It doesn’t matter if you celebrate Christmas or Chanukah, there is a huge spirituality aspect of the season. We get so caught up in the big box store’s version of the holiday season that sometimes we forget the actual reason that we’re celebrating. Don’t forget it. In fact, make it a point to FOCUS on the reason this year. I bet you’ll end up enjoying it so much more!


There are many things we can do to help manage our stress, but there are factors that are out of our control. What we can do is try to arm ourselves with a strong toolbox of proven tools that we can call upon when we’re thrust into a stressful situation. Don’t get discouraged either! We didn’t learn to be stressed out overnight, and we’re not going to completely change our thought patterns overnight either. As you work on it, it will start to become second nature. Unfortunately, it is something we’ll have to focus on for the rest of our lives – but if you find techniques that you enjoy, it can add some fun and light to your day!

What kinds of techniques do you pull out when you’re in a stressful situation?

Comment below so we can all draw on each other’s experiences!!
Wishing You A Pain Free Day!





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Favorite Activities It's Just A Bad Day

Am I Weird?

Happy Day After Christmas!!!!!! I hope Santa brought you everything you wanted … and more 🙂

During Christmas activities, Christmas movies came up a lot. Since Halloween my tv had been permanently set to hallmark and lifetime (with Up and LMN thrown in the mix every so often), watching cheese Christmas movies. The more cheesy the BETTER!


Hahaha! I find this too funny! hahaha
Hahaha! I find this too funny! hahaha

Lately, I’ve been noticing that I keep seeing characters popping up that have me asking the question, “Am I weird?”.

Characters like yogi mothers, people believing in more holistic treatments, people watching what they eat at Christmas time . . .

I mean, I know that most of the people I know don’t have GMOs and inflammation on their brain 24/7, but . . . am I weird? Am I turning into that weird, kooky person who everyone thinks is ‘wacky’.

Here’s what I mean . . .

Example 1: Hallmark’s A Very Merry Mix Up

The mom in this story is on a macrobiotic diet, is studying under a guru and is cleaning her chakras because she feels that her energy is stuck. It does make for an entertaining movie, because it totally makes you like the other mom better, but why is wanting to nourish her body bad? Why is she looked at in a negative light and made out to be very cold and unwelcoming?

Example 2: Lifetime’s Secret Santa
Hahaha ohhh hipster Santa
Hahaha ohhh hipster Santa

A daughter comes home to take care of her sick Dad. She tells her Dad that as long as she’s there he won’t be eating any GMOs. He gets so angry and yells at her saying that it’s elder abuse! Haha!! This character is also portrayed in a negative and cold light too.

Example 3: Showtime’s The Affair

The main character’s Mom comes into town from The Omega Institute, where she lives and works. She goes to see her own Mother who is in a nursing home and gets into a big fight with her Daughter. The Mom wants the Grandma to try some holistic options and to try to ween her off her meds. The whole episode the Mom is painted in a negative light and when she leaves at the end of the episode, everyone is happy.

Hahaha – I really don’t have an important point to this story, only to point out how I think it’s funny that all the holistic, healthy people are portrayed as cold, weird hippies that are out of touch with reality.

I swear these characters are popping up everywhere! Have you seen any movies that have a character like this?

Speaking of judging people based on false pretenses (haha) – On pinterest the other day I saw this fun info graph on christmas light colors and what personality types would be more inclined to hang which. I’ve talked about light therapy before, but this is a fun holiday themed ‘therapy’! haha




I’m a white colored lights with red and gold accents kind of gal. A few years back, I had a 13 foot Christmas tree that we decorated beautifully! I miss my tall tree 🙁 one day when I’m healthy enough to live on my own I’ll get it back!

My Dad loves putting colored lights outside, we have white and gold in our entry way and on our upstairs tree, and our family christmas tree has colored lights – sometimes blinking (this year it’s solid). One thing we can agree in our house is that you should NEVER mix white AND colored lights in your yard.

What do your lights say about you? 😉

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!


AVN It's Just A Bad Day PsA Surgery Symptoms Treatments

A Very Merry Hospital Stay


After receiving my diagnosis, I tried to remain positive and enjoy the Christmas season as much as I could. But I was in pain. A LOT OF PAIN.

By Christmas Eve I was really shaking, pretty much constantly. Looking back I guess I should have tried to do something earlier, but I honestly didn’t think there was anything to be done. When I would get dressed I would cry out and wince in pain just putting my underwear on. Annnnnnnny slight movement was not a pleasurable experience. I wasn’t sleeping. I couldn’t sleep. I’d sleep off and on, woken up by a shooting pain because I accidentally moved or my body twitched setting off the shooting pains.

IMG_6982Sucking it up I got dressed for Christmas Eve – trying to pick the easiest clothes to get on – and headed to my boyfriend’s family’s celebration. It’s always such a great time when I’m with them… But this time I wasn’t enjoying myself at all. Between all the questions on how I’m doing and when I’ll drop the crutches, I mentally kept giving myself a pep talk. By the time Brad and I made it to Christmas Eve mass I was in immense pain. I started shaking my leg more and more and Brad could tell i was really hurting. After Christmas Eve mass I went home and prayed that I’d at least be able to enjoy a little bit of my Christmas Day.

Christmas Day I ‘woke up’ (If you could even call what I did sleep) and was shaking uncontrollably. My knee seemed to keep growing in size, the coloring was completely off and my knee seemed all blotchy. My parents were extremely concerned and kept asking me if I wanted to go to the hospital. We were opening presents and stockings… It was Christmas! My favorite day of the year! I wasn’t going to the hospital… No. We were celebrating like we always do.

After an hour my Dad wasn’t taking my ‘no’ answer any more and said he was calling my ortho. I honestly felt horrible for having him call me on Christmas! He advised me to take double the dose of pain meds and if it didn’t go away there wasn’t much I could do except go to the emergency room.

Once we were done with our presents and breakfast I took 2 vikes and passed out. My Dad, Bro and Sis went to my Aunt and Uncles and my Mom stayed home with me. I actually got a few hours of passed out sleep. Waking up I was determined to at least celebrate part of Christmas. I cried putting my clothes on because my leg was so sensitive that even the touch of fabric was enough to put me over the edge… while pulling up my pants I realized that my knee was so swollen that I could barely get my jeans over it. :-/ I made it through a few hours out of the house and went home, took double the dose of pain meds again and passed out again for a few hours.

About 4 in the morning I woke up and was just in excruciating pain. On a scale of 1-10 this was a 15. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Through out the past few days my parents were trying to convince me to go to the hospital, but I didn’t want to give up celebrating Christmas. I had sucked up and dealt with the pain and made it to the day I loved. It was during that 4am breakdown that I finally realized I didn’t need to continue to suffer the pain and agreed to go to the hospital. I figured at the very least maybe they’d give me stronger meds and best case scenario they would possibly cut my leg off?? (I thought maybe I could get them to agree to the amputation.) We checked into the hospital at 6am and I didn’t check out until 5 days later.

I thought that I had experienced the most intense pain I could ever experience the night before causing me to agree to go to the hospital, but I was definitely wrong. The worst pain I’ve ever experience was having my knee, in it’s current situation (where even the slight touch of fabric sent me jumping), and having the ER doctor jam a huge ass needle in my knee to draw fluid to culture. My Dad stayed in the room to hold my hand and my Mom had to leave the room. My Mom said she could hear me scream down the hall and my Dad said he’ll never forget the look I made on my face. I know throughout this whole post you’re probably been thinking- oh the pain can’t be that bad, she must have a low tolerance of pain. I know you probably won’t believe me when I say this, but I have a very high tolerance of pain. After going through this experience I honestly think that when I have a baby I’ll be like ‘that was it? it’s already over with?’. I can’t even explain how much pain I was in. I hope I never have to experience it again and I surely hope that no one else ever has to experience it.

The hospital thought that maybe my knee was infected and started pumping me with antibiotics and the best damn pain medicine I’ve ever come in contact with. Delotid. Ahhh. I’ve never had a drug or alcohol problem, but after taking that drug and seeing the immediate relief I got from it I could definitely see how people develop addictions. Because the doctor was convinced that my knee was infected I was admitted to the hospital and put with all the ladies and gentlemen getting hip and knee replacements. I was the youngest by about 30 years.

IMG_4643That first day I was in the hospital I had x-rays done, blood tests and several doses of pain medicine. Best thing about being in the hospital was the exposure to new doctors, exposures to new tests that I hadn’t had before and the pain medicine 😉 haha! That night I was told not to eat anything because if my knee was infected a surgeon would need to go in tomorrow and clean it all out. It made me nervous getting another surgery so soon, but if that’s what I needed then I was going to trust them!

I went to bed that first night praying that I was in the right place and that someone could help me. Hey! At the very least I was finally getting some relief to get a few hours of shut eye!

Have you ever had pain so intense you couldn’t stop shaking? Luckily from this point on my pain started to decrease, but I wouldn’t wish that one anyone. Have a story you’d like to share? Head over to the forum and write it down.

I ended up spending a week in the hospital – Read the rest of the story here!

Wishing you a PAIN FREE day!
