Autoimmune Diet Eliminating Toxins It's Just A Bad Day Medication Mental Health Mind Body Connection PsA Supplements Treatments Wellness Wednesday

Day In The Life #ChronicLife

There isn’t a day that goes by that I do not have to modify something because of my psoriatic arthritis. I’m always watching what I eat, what I do, what I don’t do, and modifying my behaviors to ensure that I don’t overdo it. Each of my days are a little different, but each day incorporates certain aspects that are the same.

There are 5 major parts to my current treatment plan:

Part 1: Elimination Diet

Part 2: Supplements

Part 3: Toxins

Part 4: Meditation & Mindfulness

Part 5: Yoga & Movement

But if you want to know more about my daily implications, check out this HealthCentral article! In it, I highlight some of my day and the modifications I need to make because of my autoimmune arthritis:

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life

Autoimmune Hand Pain & Stiffness It's Just A Bad Day PsA Symptoms Treatments Yoga

Exercises For Autoimmune Arthritis Hand Pain & Stiffness

Hand pain and stiffness is something that I experience on a regular basis now a days. And it sucks.

Seriously, sucks.

It starts with hand pain and stiffness, then moves up my arm to a tingly forearm and can get all the way up to my shoulder. Somedays, if it’s really bad, I have to stop working and just rest my hands. I see that using my phone has profound effects on how my hands are feeling. If I use my phone for more than 5-10 minutes at a time, my hands will start to hurt and go numb. That doesn’t really help, especially when my job requires me to be checking social channels and to be on my computer. #arthritisProblems

Prior to this year, I would have the occasional problem with my wrist, but that was about it.

I remember when I was in high school I had “tendonitis” from scooping ice cream at Bruster’s ice cream in McMurray, Pa. I thought at the time it was a pretty shitty reason to have a wrist injury. And the worst part about it, I wasn’t able to get out of working because of it! haha

Fast forward a few years to when I was working 24/7/365. I would occasionally have problems with my wrist, but I just thought it was because I was ALWAYS on my computer. I remember thinking I was getting carpel tunnel and a coworker suggested I get a brace. I’d wear the brace at night when I slept and the I’d sometimes wear it at work. I never thought it was going to be a big problem. It would come and go. I’d go months without having issues, followed by a few weeks where it’d bother me.

I never put two and two together until the last few years. Of course, I had wrist and hand problems! I have autoimmune arthritis!

Now a days, there are many ways that I help manage my symptoms. Just recently I started wearing compression gloves while I’m working. I feel like they definitely help. I’m testing driving a few different pairs and will report back to which I think are the best!

But you should definitely check out these two posts I wrote for HealthCentral on ways I manage my hand pain and stiffness.

Have any tips to add? Comment with what you do below 🙂

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life

Autoimmune AVN Chair Yoga Gentle Yoga PsA Yoga Yoga

Chair Yoga Sequence For Mobility Issues

I always get asked about chair yoga and to give examples of postures to complete in a chair.

Well here is the first post I’m sure of many about them!

Within this post, you’ll find a video sequence of a simple 25 minute practice as well as HealthCentral posts that I’ve written depicting each posture.

You can either watch the video or read the posts! The choice is yours 🙂

The following links are text based explanations of the poses which are in the video above!

Make sure to pin them to your pinterest boards and refer to them later.

For more gentle yoga sequences, check out this YouTube playlist which I used when I was unable to put weight on my knee.

Let me know how it goes! Leave a comment on what you think and what else you’d like to know.

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life

Autoimmune Diet It's Just A Bad Day PsA Tests Treatments Wellness Wednesday

How My Diet Has Evolved Over The Years

A lot of people say they could never stay on the diet I have to because it’d be too hard. Many people say, “oh you have to live life a little!”, “Just eat a cupcake” or “enjoy yourself”. . . But it’s not that simple.

Whenever I go out to eat, hell ya I’d rather order the fried chicken, or that big ass delicious looking pulled pork sandwich with fries, or the mouthwatering chocolate lava cake.

But, unfortunately I don’t have a choice. If I want to function as a normal human being, I HAVE to be strict. (Read this post explaining why)

And the other unfortunate part, is that there are so many others who could be feeling SO much better, and have better management of their symptoms, if they took the challenge to make the change as well.

How Has My Diet Evolved?

How my diet has evolved over the years | psoriatic arthritis, holistic health coach Julie Cerrone juliecerrone.comThere are a few things I said I’d never give up.

Milk + beer were two big ones.

Pulled pork sandwiches were my favorite (probably for the sheer fact that it was acceptable to put a shit ton of bbq sauce on it.) Bbq sauce was my favorite condiment (Ok, maybe I liked the bbq sauce in the sandwich more than the pork).

And I never understood how someone could be vegan. Like what!? No animal products. I just couldn’t wrap my head about that one.

But now I sit here, a few years into dietary changes and think about just how far I’ve come.

Each year I seem to make iterations to my diet. I feel like my body, and life, are just one big science experiment and I’m the master scientist behind it. It’s an evolution. Just like life, we’re always learning, we’re always experimenting, we’re always refining. The same principle applies to my food journey, as it should with yours.

First, I did an elimination diet and identified which foods REALLY bother me (for example, Dairy is a BIG BIG BIGGGG NO NO NO), foods that I can have in moderation (like wine, a glass or two here and there), and foods that I can consume with no problems (like nightshades, citrus fruits and some other vegetables). Then for the next year, I was super strict with that diet. No gluten, soy, corn, refined sugar, red meat, and dairy.

Year two, I decided to try Paleo. For the first few months, I focused on omitting grains and legumes. And a few months later, I tried adding in red meat. Omitting grains was a bad withdrawal – I remember not having any energy at all for that whole October. But, it ended up being one of the best things I’ve done. The red meat thing was short lived because even getting high quality meat didn’t help. My knees aches and my joints swelled any time I would eat red meat. NOT WORTH IT! Obviously red meat bothers my body.

Then in my third year, I started incorporating more healing, targeting foods (ie. Celery juice in the morning and wild blueberries everyday) and I had functional medicine tests done. Upon receiving the results of my functional medicine tests, I was really confused. All the foods that I had identified as bothering me showed up on this list, but so did others! Things like Brussels sprouts, garlic, onions, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, chicken, turkey, – things that I was eating on a regular basis. And, the tests told me that I could eat red meat (my body definitely begs to differ on that one). I had paid a lot of money to get the tests done, so I figured I might as well try out that diet. So for 3 months, I paired my diet down to literally 7 vegetables, some fruits, fish, and some nuts.

I started being extremely confused because some of the foods on the list (like celery, spinach, garlic, etc) are immune boosting foods. They’re healing. They should be helping me. And I wasn’t getting them because I had omitted them out of my diet. Not to mention, I really started missing Brussels sprouts. Like holy shit miss them a lot. And I gained weight. YUP, I gained weight… because the easy choice was to grab a hand full of nuts, or use nuts as a sauce, or put nuts on top of something. So all those fats started adding up.

So, I did what I do best.

I started doing more research into fruits and vegetables and the healing science behind them. And all of my research has led me to this theory. . .


My Theory On Functional Medicine Food Sensitivity Tests

I definitely subscribe to the Medical Medium’s (Anthony William) notion that chronic conditions are rooted in a viral problem. I mean, it just makes perfect sense to me. There has to be a root cause of autoimmunity (or so called autoimmunity because Anthony says that our body doesn’t attack itself, it’s attacking the virus) and for me, Anthony has told me that I have a rare strain of Epstein Barr which is the root of all my health problems. If you’re not familiar with his work, I suggest you check him out. You may think it’s pretty out there, but honestly, when you start reading through his book and his posts, it just makes so much sense.

Back in November, I switched up all my supplements and for the last 6 months have been treating myself anti-virally. (That was one of the main take aways from my consult with Anthony. He helped me identify the right dosages of my supplements) An interesting thing to note is that many of the foods that showed up on my test as foods that are invoking my immune system are foods that are viral fighting foods. Therefore, I truly believe that these foods showed up on my test because hell yeah they were invoking an immune response. But, it’s a good immune response. That these foods were enacting my immune system to go fight the virus off.

How my diet has evolved over the years | psoriatic arthritis, holistic health coach Julie Cerrone juliecerrone.comSo, I asked my Functional Medicine Doctor if he thought this might be what’s happening and of course he said no. I wasn’t surprised to hear him say this. But after diving into the research behind these functional medicine tests, they really raise a lot of questions to me. I don’t know if the science is necessarily there to tell us exactly how food is impacting us. Sure, we can test allergic reactions, but with so many reactions a food can contribute to our body – how can we test them? (other than testing ourselves through an elimination diet and seeing the proof in the pudding?!)

I was fortunate enough to get a one on one consult with Anthony William a few weeks back and during my time with him, I asked him what he thought about these tests. He honest to God pretty much said exactly what I said above. That modern science isn’t there yet and that the tests we have, aren’t horrible, but they’re not giving us the whole story. That we shouldn’t rely on these tests because, just like I thought, they’re showing all reactions – not necessarily only the bad ones.

That’s why I stress an elimination diet SO MUCH. That’s your true litmus test. Your experience with how your body reacts to certain foods is INVALUABLE. Much more reliable than $3,000 functional medicine tests. I’m sorry, my functional medicine tests told me I should be focusing on red meat (and so did my Doctor). Nope, not happening. I don’t want to be in pain.

So because of all the research I’ve done, and how much I believe in the healing power of food, I’ve decided to do a month of raw vegan.

Yup, I said it. RAW VEGAN. So, not only NO animal products, but having everything in raw form.
Why The Hell Would I Do This?

I think I thrive off of fruits and vegetables. I’ve noticed that my body doesn’t do well with a lot of animal protein. The last 3 months I’ve only been eating sea food and have been getting closer and closer to eating vegan anyways. The only things I really do eat are a cage free organic egg mayo and gelatin, besides the sea food of course.

During my Medical Medium consult, he confirmed everything I already knew about my diet (see! that’s why elim diets are PERFECT tools!) and mentioned that I HAD to get rid of eggs and I really should be off of all animal proteins. Eggs are fuel for the Epstein Barr virus. And I have to say, I didn’t have eggs for a few weeks, and then experimented with them. Wow, yes. I definitely am not tolerating eggs well. I woke up the next day feeling like I was hit by a bus.

Why Raw Vegan?

How my diet has evolved over the years | psoriatic arthritis, holistic health coach Julie Cerrone juliecerrone.comRaw foods vs cooked foods give our bodies different nutrients. By eating only raw foods, I keep the focus on flooding my body with as many phytonutrients as I can. This will help ramp up my detoxification processes because my toxic load will be lowered and my body will have the ability to use these nutrients to focus on the things it hasn’t been able to focus on. Really, my primary purpose is to give my body so many nutrients that it’s celebrating in happiness that it can not only do it’s job, but focus on healing!

My digestion is in a fantastic place where I know it can handle it. A few years back, I couldn’t even think about eating something raw or else I’d give me a horrible stomach ache and usually end up coming out pretty much looking exactly like it did coming in. From Feb – May 2014, I basically lived on rice cakes because it was the only thing I could keep down. My gut was a MESS. The Functional Medicine tests that I had done on my gut health came back GREAT. My inflammation is pretty much non-existent, my enzymes and ecosystem are pretty much in balance and everything seems to be in working order. It’s taken me 2 years to get there, but I completely attribute my diet + supplements + reduced toxins + meditation + yoga to getting it back to normal.

My Thoughts On Going Raw Vegan

Honestly, I had no idea if I could do it. Prior to starting, I did a lot of homework. (Shocking right?) I was reading the book Fully Raw and was SHOCKED at what she was suggesting. The sheer thought of eating 8 bananas as part of a smoothie for lunch completely intimidated me! I started understanding people’s reaction to my diet now – like what?! That was extreme.

So going into it, I was intimidated by the sheer amount of food I’d have to consume to make sure I was getting my calories and protein in for the day. And because of that, I was worried about the price.

I won’t sugar coat it. I spent almost $300 in groceries my first week. ALMOST THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS! Going into the first week I thought, shit, even if I can eat like this, there’s NO FREAKING WAY I could afford this!

Now, in the Fully Raw book, Kristina gives some cost saving ideas. Like buying in bulk from the grocery store produce manager and participating in coops. Sure, if I was doing this long-term, I’d definitely look into that. But honestly, this was a short-term cleanse. I’d love to do it all the time, but for me and the life I lead, it’s not sustainable.

I’ve tried juice cleanses before and I’ve failed miserably. But, I had the best intentions going into this and I really wanted to challenge myself.

So, How Did It Go?

Instead of writing a blog post for each day, I started posting a picture of my meals on Facebook and kept track of it in an album.  My original intention, was to document every meal that I had. But going into my third week, I started to flare in my hands really really hurt. Therefore, I didn’t document every single thing, but you can get the idea.

Check out the journey in this album:

My Main Take Aways:

Week 1: HOLY CRAP DO I FEEL GREAT. I haven’t had this much energy in years. YEARS. Sure, maybe it’s because I’ve been hopped up on fruit sugar all week, but honestly. This diet has me feeling really really really great. The only time I was actually hungry was when I didn’t eat enough at one meal. If I was following along with Kristina’s Fully Raw plan, I was never hungry and always satisfied. I am, however, getting a little sick of salads for dinner – BUT, she does have some delicious dressings that help make them a little different each night.


Week 2: Week 2 went great! I’m feeling really great and really enjoying eating raw vegan. I thought I’d miss things more than I do. The thing I miss most is chocolate haha (hence why I keep having the cacao bananas lol!!). I’ve been trying not to eat a salad every day because then I know I’ll get bored. I won’t lie, I would like to eat some cooked foods (mostly roasted veggies), but I’m LOVING all my juices and smoothies. Like, loving my juices in the morning. I remember a time when I hated juices, so it’s funny to me that I’m loving them so much.  I’ve realized that mushrooms still don’t sit well with my body, pea pods and raw zucchini are definitely hard to digest and when I went out and had a “cheat meal” at a raw vegan restaurant (lots of nuts, evoo and salt which I haven’t been having) my knees were aching the next day. During the day I have so much energy and at night I’ve been sleeping so well. Honestly, this diet is making me feel fantastic.


Week 3 & 4:  I won’t lie, I was so excited going into week three but I started to not feel well. My psoriatic arthritis started to flare, and really started bothering my hand in my arms.  It made it hard for me to work, it made it hard for me to really do anything on my computer or my phone. BUT,  I will say this. I believe that eating the raw fruits and vegetables helped me tremendously during this period. I think what set it off was a combination of stress, going back to work and the repetitive motion I use on my computer with my hands . . . and possibly carrots.

There are a few times that some people in my life said “well maybe you just need to start eating food again” and I got really mad. Let’s be honest, I was eating REAL food! Out of everyone that I know, I had been eating the most REAL food there is to eat. So to say “maybe you should go back to eating food?” made no sense to me.  Most people would think that I should blame eating this way for causing my flare, but I don’t think it was the main cause. In fact, I think it really helped that I was eating this way during the flare.  It made me realize that I still need to put myself first hundred percent, and really focus on my health as my first priority.

Someone said to me during this challenge that it was crazy I was doing this for a month because most people only do a cleanse for a few days. See, maybe if I wasn’t on medications for years, haven’t had several different health problems and was a generally healthy person – a few day cleanse would be ok. But no. Our society wants quick fixes to health problems and guess what – there aren’t any.
Take my journey, for instance! I’ve been on this dietary change train for a few years now and, I’m doing really well, but still have some ways to go. You have to have patience when it comes to healing. You HAVE to. You have to enjoy the journey. Enjoy the ups and down. Enjoy the raw vegan challenges 😜 Sure, doing it for a few days would help, but I’m not trying to just help. I’m working towards curing myself. And I have every belief in myself that I will succeed in that goal. That, you can mark in stone.
So How Do I Feel After Spending 28 Days Completely Raw?
I absolutely loved it!!! The past week I’ve been allowing myself to eat cooked foods again. I find myself not wanting to eat cooked foods because I have felt better on eating raw foods. Plus it makes it a lot easier when all you need to do is peel a banana or cut up a few pieces of vegetables for  salad for dinner.
I don’t believe that I will continue to be #fullyRaw, but I would like to continue to have a juice for breakfast and some sort of smoothie or raw dish for lunch. I will allow myself to eat cooked food for dinner.
Maybe it’s an excuse that I tell myself, but I feel like being fully raw for the rest of my life would be too hard. Sure, if I REALLY wanted to do it I could and would – but I guess I don’t REALLY want to do it haha! I still want to be able to enjoy going out to eat and have a few drinks here and there. I’m totally ok with doing a strict raw vegan period every so often throughout the year though. THAT I’ll definitely do.
I think it’s a great way to cleanse my body and give it the nutrients and love that it deserves!


So raise a kale, orange and blueberry smoothie to this new raw adventure. I started April 25th, 2016 and honestly, enjoyed it more than I ever thought possible. After the 28 days, I’ve allowed myself to start eating cooked foods again, but the majority of my diet is still raw foods. In about another month, I will test out fish to see how it sits with me (just like you’d do in the elimination diet!)
Now, who wants to add in more raw fruits and veggies with me?!
Wishing You A Pain Free Day!
Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life




Diet It's Just A Bad Day Paleo Treatments

Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition

Last year I published a post about my Thanksgiving menu (check it out here!) and a lot of people said it was super helpful. I’ve been asked a ton of times already what foods I’ll eat during the holidays and to point them to yummy recipes. Well, here ya go folks! Here are some tips to make it through the holidays and lots of recipes down below. And FYI, last I counted I was above 101 recipes, so enjoy the extra treats 😉



#ChronicLife Tips for the Holidays:

1. Get familiar with Food Substitutes
  • Use EVOO or Ghee instead of butter.
  • Make coconut sweetened condensed milk (recipe below) or make a dairy free cheese (recipes below too!)
  • Try a can of coconut milk instead of cream or milk.
  • Make your pies with an almond flour crust, instead of a gluten laden one!
  • Use brown rice flour, almond flour, coconut flour, tapioca starch, etc for your baking.
  • Need bread crumbs? Use a mix of almond flour, tapioca starch and/or coconut flour
2. Take a dish with you that you know you will be able to eat.

Try one of the 101 recipes below!!!

3. Do things on your own terms.

There’s no right or wrong way to do the Holidays! Whatever makes you feel happy, comfortable and in control – that’s what you need to do. Pace yourself, avoid triggers that you know will make you sick and DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR IT!!!!

4. Be kind and patient with yourself.

You’re doing the best you can, under the current conditions. If you could do better, you would! So be patient and love yourself above all!

Yummy, Yummy Recipe Roundup:

There are a ton of awesome recipe round ups online (just like this one from the Paleo Diet Recipe Cookbook) Check out these recipes and plan your holiday menu!

Condiments or Ingredients:


Paleo Ranch – Use on salads and as a veggie dip!

Balsamic Vinaigrette 

Italian Dressing – use as a dressing and to marinate meat and veggies!

Sweet Onion Poppyseed Dressing

Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette



World’s Best Paleo Gravy

Gluten Free Gravy

Paleo Umami Gravy Recipe

White Wine & Thyme Cashew Gravy



Sweetened Condensed Coconut Milk – use in place of canned sweetened condensed milk

Egg Free Garlic Mayo

Dairy Free Cultured Cream Cheese

Zucchini Cheese



Night Shade Free Salsa

AIP Mango Guacamole 

Garden Salsa

Spicy Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Dairy Free Spinach & Artichoke Dip

Cranberry Salsa

Pumpkin Pie Dip

Paleo Buffalo Ranch Dip

Easy Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche

Paleo Taco Dip

Seven Layer Mexican Dip



Cranberry Turkey Meatballs

Grilled Eggplant Bruschetta

Paleo Fried Zucchini with Cool Dill Dip

Garlic Herb Roasted Shrimp w/ Homemade Cocktail Sauce

Buffalo Cauliflower Wings – use ghee or coconut oil instead of butter

Pumpkin Spice Sweet Potato Fries

Avocado Stuffed Meatballs

Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings

Chick-fil-A Nuggets

Paleo Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms

Zesty Marinated Olives

Grain-free Rosemary Olive Oil Crackers

Roasted Cauliflower Poppers

Sweet Pepper Poppers

Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition Spoonie/ChronicLife Tips & 101 Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Thanksgiving & Christmas | itsjustabadday.comSide Dishes:


Beet and Brussels Sprout Salad

Autumn Salad w/ Apples, Pomegranates, Persimmons, Candied Hazelnuts & and Orange Vinaigrette

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberry Brown Butter Sauce – use ghee in place of the butter!

Butternut Squash Apple Soup

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

Rosemary Roasted Carrots

Paleo Green Bean Casserole Recipe

Paleo Brussel Sprouts Recipe

Roasted Carrots & Mushrooms with Thyme


Mashed Potato Subs

Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Mash

Paleo Sweet Potato Gratin

Paleo Mashed Cauliflower Recipe

Honey Glazed “Sweet Potatoes” with Homemade Marshmallows



Apple Cranberry Holiday Stuffing

Paleo Low-Carb Stuffing Recipe

Chestnut and Rosemary Stuffing Recipe


Cranberry Sauce

Citrus Cranberry Relish

Cran-Cherry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce with Apples and Ginger


Bread Substitutes

Paleo Biscuits

Paleo Biscuits Recipe

Paleo Dinner Rolls

Grain Free Dinner Rolls

Paleo Pumpkin Biscuits – she also has some other Thanksgiving recipes on this post as well!

Main Dishes:

Paleo Turkey & Stuffing

Paleo Butterfield Big Bird Recipe

Honey and Citrus Glazed Ham

Perfect Smoked Turkey Recipe

Mushroom & Sage Rolled Turkey Breast Recipe

Heritage Turkey & Mashed Parsnips



Pumpkin Roll

Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars

Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

Pumpkin Pie or try The Best Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Raw, No Bake Triple-Chocolate Pumpkin Pie


Other Pies

Sweet Potato Casserole with Crunchy Pecan Crumble Recipe

Paleo Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Paleo Pecan Pie Recipe

Apple Pie or try this Apple Pie

Paleo Chocolate Pecan Pie

Jungle Pie with Chocolate Crust, Banana Slices & Chunky Coconut Topping Recipe

Apple Crisp

Blueberry Tart

Raw Chocolate Tarts


Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition Spoonie/ChronicLife Tips & 101 Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Thanksgiving & Christmas | itsjustabadday.comCookies

Chewy Thin Ginger Cookies

Paleo Pumpkin Cookies with Chocolate Chips Recipe

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

Super Paleo Cookies

The Best Almond Flour Sugar Cookies

Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Chocolate Chunk Salted Caramel No-Bake Cookies Recipe

Paleo Almond Pumpkin Choc Chip Cookies  Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cookies 

Double Chocolate Chip Coconut Flour Cookies 

Chai Spice Cookies

Paleo Coconut Macaroons 

Almond Cookies  Recipe Topped With Chocolate Avocado Fudge Frosting

Paleo Almond Butter and Chocolate Glaze Muffookies Recipe

Gluten Free Macaroons  Recipe with Raspberry Chia Seed Jam

Hazelnut-Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Recipe

Peanut-Free Tagalong Cookies Recipe

Guilt-Free Pecan Pie Cookies Recipe

Jam Filled Shortbread Cookies Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Vanilla Cinnamon Icing Recipe

Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Meringue Cookies Recipe

Gluten Free Paleo Oreo Cookies Recipe

Grain-Free Gingerbread Men Recipe



Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Chewy Pecan Pie Brittle

Pumpkin Fudge

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream Recipe

Cranberry Mint Mousse

Raw Vegan Nutella – spread on any and everything!

Healthy Spiced Nuts

Paleo Pumpkin Sweet Potato Custard

Paleo Dirt Pudding


Pumpkin Mulled Wine – important note: use coconut sugar, honey or maple syrup when making this!

Aloe Vera Margaritas 

Iced Caramel Macchiato 

Paleo Vanilla Low Carb Marshmallow Smoothie 

Vanilla Bean Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Apple Cider Sangria

Peppermint Mocha

Chai Tea Concentrate

Cranberry Orange Margarita

Paleo Egg Nog

PS. if you can’t make your holiday menu from this list, there’s no hope for you 😉 haha!!

Food can be delicious AND nutritious. Using the right ingredients will not only make your body feel 10000 times better after eating, but will also help give you the fuel you need to make it through the holiday season.

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life