It's Just A Bad Day

A Thanksgiving Letter

Dear Emme,

This year’s Thanksgiving is probably the most drastically different Thanksgiving I’ve ever had in my life. Not drastically different in a bad way, but drastically different as I’m seeing the Holiday through completely different eyes.

Up until this point, I always thought about Thanksgiving in a personal sense. What I was thankful for, what food I would eat (or not eat!), what I would do to celebrate with our family, what Christmas movies I would watch.

But this year. . .  this year I’ve been thinking more about you.

I’ve been pointing out all of the Holiday decorations to you.

I’ve been showing you the mad rush at the grocery store to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner.

I’ve been playing Holiday music 24/7 hoping that you’ll be my little singing buddy once you learn all the words.

And I’ve been telling you how loved you are and how much there is to be grateful for.

As I reflect on my past Thanksgiving posts (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, & 2017), I’ve talked about all of the wonderful and amazing things in my life there are to be grateful for. My health, my supports, my success and failures, our family, your daddy, you. . . there’s SO much!

Of course, I’m grateful and SO EXTREMELY THANKFUL for all of those things, but this year I’ve been very focused on you. I’m determined to help you to be the most grateful person you know.

I want you to realize that we must be grateful ALL year-long – not just at the Holidays.

We need to take actions and go out of our way for others during every day of our lives.

When we’re able to look at life with grateful eyes, life becomes a more joyful experience.

I can promise you that you will have ups and downs in your life. Not everything will go your way. And there will be days that upset you and make you feel like your life stinks.

BUT, if you constantly focus (and then refocus when your focus shifts) on the positives in your life, you can create a life you love.

So this Thanksgiving, I want to promise to always lead by example. To help you when you fall and to remind you to always look for the positives in everything you do.

We can achieve more than we ever thought possible if we make EVERY DAY Thanksgiving.

And that, my sweet girl, is exactly what I want for you.

I’m so thankful to spend this holiday with you AND your Daddy.

Happy First Thanksgiving.

I love you so so sooooo much.


Your Mommy

It's Just A Bad Day

Heart (and Belly) Full, Thanksgiving 2017

Since I started my blog, I’ve always published a Thanksgiving post.

Reading through my 2013 post this year actually made me tear up this year. I had come a really long way up to that point and, since then, have gone even further.

As you can see, many things in my life have changed since that post (HA! Case in point: I’m married now to my best friend who I met AFTER that post and have a bun in the oven).

This year, I’m very much thankful for all of the things I listed in my 2014 post, but have a few things to add to that list.

In that 2014 list, I talked about my Pap Pap. And I know it may sound crazy, but since he passed away I honestly feel closer to him than I did when he was alive. He’s helped me so much and I KNOW that he’s been a driving force behind where I am today.

My Pap Pap (and my Dad’s Dad) served in WWII, but other than that I can’t say I really knew anyone actively in the military growing up. I remember I used to wonder why anyone would sign up to go and fight? Why would someone want to move all around? Why would someone choose that lifestyle?

They were purely ignorant questions because I truly didn’t understand. 

I met Josh right after my stem cell procedure (in fact, Josh was the driving force behind this blog post) and fairly quickly he told me he was in the Army Reserves. I had so many reservations at first. I honestly wasn’t sure I could date, or potentially marry, someone in the military. Could I handle it? Could I make the sacrifice?

But for two years, we dated off and on. We always kept going back to each other. I liked being with him, I liked how he treated me, I just really liked everything about him. Little by little, that whole military issue grew less and less in my mind.

Whenever he told me he would be deploying in 2017, I got really sad. I really couldn’t wrap my brain around it because, again, I had never been exposed to it.

I figured I would miss him and it would be a really hard year. That there’d probably be lots of tears, fights, frustration and me not wanting to deal with it.

But little did I know that 2017 was going to have such a tremendous impact on my life – for the better.

Do I wish he was here to see me go through my pregnancy? OF COURSE.

Do I wish he was going to be here to meet our little baby when she arrives? WITHOUT QUESTION.

Do I wish that I could talk to him more often then a few times via text? ABSOLUTELY.

But, at the end of the day, I know he’s out there protecting each and every one of us. He’s sacrificing so much to keep all of us out of harm’s way.

Each night I lay in bed, I say goodnight to my baby in my belly and my husband halfway across the world. Then I lay there and think how crazy his job is.

And I don’t mean in a highly classified way (which it is- don’t ask me what he does because I have no idea). But, what I mean is he willingly is risking his life for not only our family but for millions of people that he doesn’t even know. He put himself in harm’s way to help fight bad people and to help empower good people to stand up for themselves. And he does it all without complaining.

Sure, I know he wishes he wasn’t in a remote place living in sub-par living conditions.

He absolutely wishes he could help be here with me during my pregnancy.

And I have no doubt that he wishes that he could be here for the birth.

But, when it comes down to it, he’s making an impact on a global scale. He sees it as his duty and mission.

It’s hard to put into words exactly how I feel about it.

It’s hard to express how proud I am of him.

How much I admire his strength and determination.

How much I took for granted all of the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.

I’m humbled by the fact that he chose me as his life partner so that I could learn more about this life. More about the hardships. More about how much as an American we have to be grateful.

I posted on my Instagram a few weeks back that life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be happy. And it’s so true.

Julie Croner | Psoriatic Arthritis Patient Leader on Instagram: “Life doesn’t have to be P E R F E C T to be WONDERFUL | We must friend the beauty in all moments. Rarely in life does everything go our way. And even the things we want sometimes don’t go as planned. We must make our own happy, we must look on the bright side, we must be grateful and thankful 💜 #sundayvibes”

272 likes, 13 comments – itsjustabaddaynotlife on October 15, 2017: “Life doesn’t have to be P E R F E C T to be WONDERFUL | We must friend the beauty in all moments. Rarely in life does everything go our…”.

Chronic illness has taught me not to dwell on the negatives in life. If we focus our energy on them, then we’ll continuously be brought down. Life RARELY goes as planned. We need to find the sunshine in each and every day (and it’s there – we just have to look).

When I look at my current situation, I could focus on the negatives: Josh is gone for a year, he’ll miss the birth of our baby, I’m spending my first year married alone. When I think of those things, I get SO SAD.

But if I look at all the positives in my situation: I’m married to my best friend, we’re expecting our first child and we get to spend the rest of our lives together, I get SO EXTREMELY HAPPY!

I honestly am not sure that I would feel this way if I didn’t have health issues. I’m honestly not sure I would have learned that lesson had I not gone through everything I did with my health. Chronic illness has allowed me to see life through a new lens. A new appreciation for things that I didn’t appreciate before.

So this year I want to thank:

My Health Struggles. The years that I couldn’t walk, the years that caused me pain, the years that were miserable. They’ve helped me accept challenges and struggles and made me a stronger person. Without having learned these lessons, I honestly don’t think I could appreciate this year-long deployment for what it is.


My Husband. For making me the happiest girl in the world by marrying me and for making me so excited for 2018. I wish every day that you were home, but I know that soon enough you will be. And when you do, we’ll have our own little family to focus on.


My Support System. We’ve been through thick and thin with my health and this is just another bump in the road that you’re here to help me with. I’m so blessed to have you.


Our Nation’s Military. Thank you for putting your lives on hold to keep the rest of us safe. You truly are nothing short of a hero.


This year, I have such a full heart (and a full belly) heading into Thanksgiving.

Thank YOU for reading, thank YOU for your support, and thank you for always being a wonderful support to lean on as well. My friends who follow my blog and social channels are some of the most important people in my life.

I wish you nothing but the best this holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving 2017.

Wishing you a pain free day!

Julie Cerrone, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Instructor, Patient Empowerer, Autoimmune Warrior (Psoriatic Arthritis), Avascular Necrosis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |

It's Just A Bad Day Mind Body Connection

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Every year in November, we stop to give thanks for all of the things that are important to us. It’s almost like a forced gratefulness party.

I often feel like my acupuncture sessions are forced relaxation. In a good way!

They’re scheduled. And for an hour, I can’t do anything but worry about myself and relax . . . it’s glorious.

And I almost feel like Thanksgiving is the same thing.

It’s that time of year where we are forced, regardless if we want to or not, to reflect on the things we are thankful and grateful for. For many, this forced activity is a welcomed change. So often we dwell on the negatives, the challenges, the obstacles. But, if we stop and are thankful for all the small, beautiful things in our lives – we can have a complete change of perspective.

I believe the biggest task of all, is taking that gratefulness that we feel during the holiday season, and extended throughout the year.

No matter how great or how small the challenge is, we all encounter them. We all have great days, we all have bad days, but it’s really how we deal with the ups and the downs that make our life worth living.

Last year, in my Thanksgiving post, I posted the song “Thankful” by Josh Groban. In the song he sings,

“It’s up to us, to be the change,
And even though we all can still do more,
There’s so much to be thankful for”

And it’s so so true. It’s up to us. Our perspective. Our energy. Our love. Our gratefulness. Our ability to be thankful.

So this Thanksgiving, focus on the beautiful things in your life that you have to be thankful for. We have everything that we need to be happy. We don’t need more and we don’t need less [challenges]. We need to dig deep within us and realize that we truly have everything that we need and we are enough. And then take that belief in ourself and let it transpire throughout the rest of the year.

If you follow my blog, you know I LOVE Celine Dion. This year I’d love to leave you with this song.

“But I’m thankful to be here
Thankful to feel clear
Thankful my prayers have been answered
I’m thankful you listened
Thankful to heaven
Thankful for feeling alive again
Thankful that hearts always mend”

Let’s learn from the Thanksgiving holiday. To be grateful, to be thankful, to embrace love . . . every day of our lives.

I’m thankful for YOU and I hope you can see the beauty in this holiday season <3

Check out my 2013 Thanksgiving post2014 Thanksgiving post, or 2015 Thanksgiving post too!

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life





It's Just A Bad Day

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

After my 2013 Thanksgiving post and 2014 Thanksgiving post, I couldn’t NOT publish a 2015 Thanksgiving post! (or my 2016 post!)

Of course I’m grateful for my family.

Of course I’m grateful for my health, my friends, and my life.

But this year, I’m most grateful for my struggles.

Every single one of them. Because, without them, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

The past 3 years have been an extremely transformational time for me. As I venture into a new chapter of my life, I can’t help but to be so grateful for the ups and downs who have carried me to my new path.

Back in October, I had tweeted something about how I truly felt that my health conditions were the biggest blessing I’d ever received. I actually received a lot of back lash from that tweet – many didn’t understand why I’d look at pain and struggling as a GOOD thing.

But one of the responses made me really think . . .  A friend on twitter asked me to elaborate on why I thought of my struggles as a blessing. I started thinking about how long it’s taken me to get here and how it truly was a journey. I truly believe that to accept our struggles, we all have to take time to grieve. Each of us has a completely different path and those thoughts spurred me to write the post: 5 Stages of Grief & Loss.

From that post, it got me thinking and thinking and thinkkkkinnnggg and I decided to create an instagram challenge, with the help of some great friends, to help chronically fabulous patients to start looking at their chronic conditions in a different light. I truly believe that having a positive outlook is a vital step in the healing process.

So for the past 26 days, I’ve focused on helping other patients look at their chronic conditions in a different light, because I think a huge turning point for me was when my perspective on my situation changed. I’m so grateful for my ups and downs, the good and bad times, the highs and the lows. They’ve taught me so much about myself, my life and how I want to live my life.

How do you look at the struggles in your life?? Do you let them propel you in to the future or do you let them bog you down in the present? This Thanksgiving, take a moment and reflect on how you view your struggles in your life. You may not be able to look at them as blessings right off the bat – but in time, your perspective can change and you’ll become a much happier person 🙂


I love this song, so so so much. Take a few minutes and listen to Josh’s beautiful voice and this gorgeous song “Thankful”.


Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life

Diet It's Just A Bad Day Paleo Treatments

Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition

Last year I published a post about my Thanksgiving menu (check it out here!) and a lot of people said it was super helpful. I’ve been asked a ton of times already what foods I’ll eat during the holidays and to point them to yummy recipes. Well, here ya go folks! Here are some tips to make it through the holidays and lots of recipes down below. And FYI, last I counted I was above 101 recipes, so enjoy the extra treats 😉



#ChronicLife Tips for the Holidays:

1. Get familiar with Food Substitutes
  • Use EVOO or Ghee instead of butter.
  • Make coconut sweetened condensed milk (recipe below) or make a dairy free cheese (recipes below too!)
  • Try a can of coconut milk instead of cream or milk.
  • Make your pies with an almond flour crust, instead of a gluten laden one!
  • Use brown rice flour, almond flour, coconut flour, tapioca starch, etc for your baking.
  • Need bread crumbs? Use a mix of almond flour, tapioca starch and/or coconut flour
2. Take a dish with you that you know you will be able to eat.

Try one of the 101 recipes below!!!

3. Do things on your own terms.

There’s no right or wrong way to do the Holidays! Whatever makes you feel happy, comfortable and in control – that’s what you need to do. Pace yourself, avoid triggers that you know will make you sick and DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR IT!!!!

4. Be kind and patient with yourself.

You’re doing the best you can, under the current conditions. If you could do better, you would! So be patient and love yourself above all!

Yummy, Yummy Recipe Roundup:

There are a ton of awesome recipe round ups online (just like this one from the Paleo Diet Recipe Cookbook) Check out these recipes and plan your holiday menu!

Condiments or Ingredients:


Paleo Ranch – Use on salads and as a veggie dip!

Balsamic Vinaigrette 

Italian Dressing – use as a dressing and to marinate meat and veggies!

Sweet Onion Poppyseed Dressing

Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette



World’s Best Paleo Gravy

Gluten Free Gravy

Paleo Umami Gravy Recipe

White Wine & Thyme Cashew Gravy



Sweetened Condensed Coconut Milk – use in place of canned sweetened condensed milk

Egg Free Garlic Mayo

Dairy Free Cultured Cream Cheese

Zucchini Cheese



Night Shade Free Salsa

AIP Mango Guacamole 

Garden Salsa

Spicy Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Dairy Free Spinach & Artichoke Dip

Cranberry Salsa

Pumpkin Pie Dip

Paleo Buffalo Ranch Dip

Easy Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche

Paleo Taco Dip

Seven Layer Mexican Dip



Cranberry Turkey Meatballs

Grilled Eggplant Bruschetta

Paleo Fried Zucchini with Cool Dill Dip

Garlic Herb Roasted Shrimp w/ Homemade Cocktail Sauce

Buffalo Cauliflower Wings – use ghee or coconut oil instead of butter

Pumpkin Spice Sweet Potato Fries

Avocado Stuffed Meatballs

Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings

Chick-fil-A Nuggets

Paleo Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms

Zesty Marinated Olives

Grain-free Rosemary Olive Oil Crackers

Roasted Cauliflower Poppers

Sweet Pepper Poppers

Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition Spoonie/ChronicLife Tips & 101 Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Thanksgiving & Christmas | itsjustabadday.comSide Dishes:


Beet and Brussels Sprout Salad

Autumn Salad w/ Apples, Pomegranates, Persimmons, Candied Hazelnuts & and Orange Vinaigrette

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberry Brown Butter Sauce – use ghee in place of the butter!

Butternut Squash Apple Soup

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

Rosemary Roasted Carrots

Paleo Green Bean Casserole Recipe

Paleo Brussel Sprouts Recipe

Roasted Carrots & Mushrooms with Thyme


Mashed Potato Subs

Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Mash

Paleo Sweet Potato Gratin

Paleo Mashed Cauliflower Recipe

Honey Glazed “Sweet Potatoes” with Homemade Marshmallows



Apple Cranberry Holiday Stuffing

Paleo Low-Carb Stuffing Recipe

Chestnut and Rosemary Stuffing Recipe


Cranberry Sauce

Citrus Cranberry Relish

Cran-Cherry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce with Apples and Ginger


Bread Substitutes

Paleo Biscuits

Paleo Biscuits Recipe

Paleo Dinner Rolls

Grain Free Dinner Rolls

Paleo Pumpkin Biscuits – she also has some other Thanksgiving recipes on this post as well!

Main Dishes:

Paleo Turkey & Stuffing

Paleo Butterfield Big Bird Recipe

Honey and Citrus Glazed Ham

Perfect Smoked Turkey Recipe

Mushroom & Sage Rolled Turkey Breast Recipe

Heritage Turkey & Mashed Parsnips



Pumpkin Roll

Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars

Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

Pumpkin Pie or try The Best Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Raw, No Bake Triple-Chocolate Pumpkin Pie


Other Pies

Sweet Potato Casserole with Crunchy Pecan Crumble Recipe

Paleo Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Paleo Pecan Pie Recipe

Apple Pie or try this Apple Pie

Paleo Chocolate Pecan Pie

Jungle Pie with Chocolate Crust, Banana Slices & Chunky Coconut Topping Recipe

Apple Crisp

Blueberry Tart

Raw Chocolate Tarts


Ask Juls: Holiday Recipe Edition Spoonie/ChronicLife Tips & 101 Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Thanksgiving & Christmas | itsjustabadday.comCookies

Chewy Thin Ginger Cookies

Paleo Pumpkin Cookies with Chocolate Chips Recipe

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

Super Paleo Cookies

The Best Almond Flour Sugar Cookies

Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Chocolate Chunk Salted Caramel No-Bake Cookies Recipe

Paleo Almond Pumpkin Choc Chip Cookies  Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cookies 

Double Chocolate Chip Coconut Flour Cookies 

Chai Spice Cookies

Paleo Coconut Macaroons 

Almond Cookies  Recipe Topped With Chocolate Avocado Fudge Frosting

Paleo Almond Butter and Chocolate Glaze Muffookies Recipe

Gluten Free Macaroons  Recipe with Raspberry Chia Seed Jam

Hazelnut-Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Recipe

Peanut-Free Tagalong Cookies Recipe

Guilt-Free Pecan Pie Cookies Recipe

Jam Filled Shortbread Cookies Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Vanilla Cinnamon Icing Recipe

Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Meringue Cookies Recipe

Gluten Free Paleo Oreo Cookies Recipe

Grain-Free Gingerbread Men Recipe



Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Chewy Pecan Pie Brittle

Pumpkin Fudge

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream Recipe

Cranberry Mint Mousse

Raw Vegan Nutella – spread on any and everything!

Healthy Spiced Nuts

Paleo Pumpkin Sweet Potato Custard

Paleo Dirt Pudding


Pumpkin Mulled Wine – important note: use coconut sugar, honey or maple syrup when making this!

Aloe Vera Margaritas 

Iced Caramel Macchiato 

Paleo Vanilla Low Carb Marshmallow Smoothie 

Vanilla Bean Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Apple Cider Sangria

Peppermint Mocha

Chai Tea Concentrate

Cranberry Orange Margarita

Paleo Egg Nog

PS. if you can’t make your holiday menu from this list, there’s no hope for you 😉 haha!!

Food can be delicious AND nutritious. Using the right ingredients will not only make your body feel 10000 times better after eating, but will also help give you the fuel you need to make it through the holiday season.

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life




It's Just A Bad Day

What I’m Thankful For This Year

Of course everyone’s thankful list is filled with family, friends, support, blah blah blah ya know. The usual.

But I’m thankful for ME!

You’re probably thinking wow. Such a ‘humble’ thing to say 😉

Haha but what I mean is I’m really thankful to be feeling almost back to normal (mindset wise). Earlier in the year I wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around and it caused riffs in my relationships. With the help of an amazing support team I am feeling back to myself and have been patching those relationships.

Thankful for my Grandma
Thankful for my Grandma

I’m thankful for my amazing support team who has helped carry me through this horrendous year. I can say in complete honesty this year has been the absolute worst year of my life. Without my Mom and Dad, Sister and Brother, my Grandma, Boyfriend and his Parents and the rest of my family and friends I’m not sure I could have made it through this year. I’m so thankful that they stuck by my side at my worst and are still as supportive as I’m feeling better. I know that I never want to go back to how I was and I know that they all understand that chronic pain, meds, depression and medical problem after medical problem can really take a toll on a person. I love each and every one of you 🙂

IMG_6489This Thanksgiving will definitely be different then in years past. Now that I’ve adopted an anti-inflammatory lifestyle I won’t be enjoying the regular mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and fixings. I’ll be starting new traditions with gluten free stuffing, gravy and sweet potatoes! I just finished baking my first gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free pumpkin pie! It. Turned. Out. Perfect! I’m really excited about it!

I’m especially thankful for all my spoonies and the support I’ve found online. My twitter family, my Facebook support groups- you have been a surprise blessing that I never imagined.

IMG_7315My support group that I attend in person every week has been another surprise blessing. Yesterday Gale, one of the ladies in the group, said she looked at it as the girls getting together every week! And that’s exactly how I see it too! There are on average 6 of us that meet each week. All from different walks of life, all with different burdens, all with beautiful attitudes determined to make positive situations out of our negative hurdles.

This year has been difficult, but also beautiful at the same time. It’s opened my eyes to really appreciate the smaller things in life. Before I was always go-go-go and my slower paced lifestyle has really grown on me. I’m thankful for getting back into hobbies that I enjoy sooooo much- such as my card making and singing- and I’m thankful for my ability to do them.


I’m thankful for doctors who are willing to go out of their way and take on my difficult case. I’m thankful for the medicines, prescribed and natural, that are helping heal my body. I’m thankful for the invention of crutches so I am able to get around and even more thankful for the addition of motorized scooters in stores! Haha I’m thankful to be able to have great insurance and to be eligible for disability.

There are so many things I’m thankful for I could go on forever.


I really hope that you have an amazing Thanksgiving this year. Cherish anytime you are able to spend with your friends and family. Take time to enjoy the smaller things of life 🙂

Want to read more about Thanksgiving? Check out my 2014 Thanksgiving post. 

Wishing you a thankful and pain free day!
